Southern All Stars Forum

It is a forum of the southern all-stars who are a Japanese grand music group.Please write a topic of southern all-stars freely.

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A title is nameless NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:25 No.8
Hey... This ban rules (even when I dont understand some songs at all :p "I'm from Mexico") I try to find a translation for some of the songs ;) (Crazy about Japanese bands :D )

A title is nameless NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:24 No.6
Hey, I forgot to ask you guys, with other sonf of this ban you like , if you can send an e-mail telling me wich songs you like, and wich song are your favorites from other groups, no matter if they are from your country :D

Re: A title is nameless  - 2006/05/12(Fri) 10:24 No.7

sorry about my spelling ._.

A title is nameless NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:22 No.4
I think SAS are awesome! I love their music and want to have all SAS CDs! I hope to make friends with other fans from Japan!
Dave W.

A title is nameless NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:22 No.3

I'm from malaysia. and I listen to this band. I think they are the coolest band ever ! The play the best records.. the best beach ..retro..ballads and rock music. Their music is different..with style.

Sincerely ..
amie abdul

Hi NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:21 No.2
Hello to every one:)Im from Romania and I want to say that I love this band,they are cool.I have many album of them,but for me is verry dificult to buy cause Im not in Japan and in my contry does not sail"Souther all star"music:(and that is sad.But anyway,I lovvvvvveeeeee them:)).

love them NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:19 No.1
I became a fan many years ago!! I have a hard time finding their music, too. Several years ago I found some of their older things at a used record store in Japan ...

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