Southern All Stars Forum

It is a forum of the southern all-stars who are a Japanese grand music group.Please write a topic of southern all-stars freely.

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A title is nameless NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:32 No.20
I am looking for words for "Itoshi no eri". Could you tell me them in Romaji.

Re: A title is nameless Shizu @ Saisai - 2006/05/12(Fri) 10:33 No.21

Hi!Nice to meet you.
Do you want to know Lyric in Japanese for "Itoshi no Eri "?
I'll send mail you.

I hope this works... NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:31 No.18
I am trying to find information about
Umi no yeah!!!

Are the songs just like the originals or are they changed like remixed. I have nearly all of those songs, but if it sounds different, I want to get it. Don't worry about your English... Yoku Gonbatteru yo. Eraii!!!

A title is nameless NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:31 No.17
Doe anyone know what happened to the link to
("Southern All Stars Fans Around the World Page")?


I tried to open it and it goes to a different place now :(

A title is nameless NAME:Tristan DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:30 No.16
I can't seem to open the website www.southernallstars.net either. :( Is there any other place I can get SAS lyrics in romanji?

shiori no te-ma NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:30 No.15

is there anyone here who has the lyrics for shiori no te-ma???
must not be in romanji, i can try to read in jaqpanese with my dictonary!


A title is nameless NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:29 No.14
I love Southern All Stars!!! My favourite song is Manatsu no Kajitsu, and Tsunami ^-^ Please email me!

A title is nameless NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:28 No.13
I just new, for knowing this band, but i love it verymuch. I even dont know bout' the lyrick, but the sound seen so harmony. Its difficult to collect SAS cd in Indonesia,.. huh! i'll try hard to have it. BTW,.. do you plant to concert in jakarta??

nice music in harmony

A title is nameless NAME:meao DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:28 No.12
what Cd/album is itoshi no ellie on?

A title is nameless NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:27 No.11
i don't know at all where i'm but ok.
i found this place because i search the lyrics of the Album of Love, ><
i found only 2 but lucky my favorite song Ai no kotodama.
and i wanted the lyrics to ba able to sing them to Karaoke, ^^
i'm French but living in Japan
and i want to see SAS in concert, i love them so much, especially the singer, kakko iiiiiiiiiii.

A title is nameless NAME: DATE:2006/05/12(Fri) 10:25 No.9
Wow, i dunno what should i said bout this band. outstanding, really, i mean it. Same as Zulkifli, i came from indonesia. n it's so difficult to get their songs. I love this band so much, i need 7,5 years to get "namida no kiss", really.it's 7,5 years, so just imagine how difficult to get their marvelous music in this country plus i dunno at all japanesse language. i just get many music of this wonderful band today, still happy, n than i found this mailist.Great! so, is there any chance that y'all will make a concert in Indonesia?

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